Inflammation: The Silent Struggle for Employees Jun 28, 2024

If you’re an employee constantly relying on takeaways and forgoing a good night’s sleep for the sake of meeting deadlines – your unhealthy habits may be silently increasing the inflammation in your body and making you susceptible...

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5 Tops Tips to Manage your Weight May 24, 2024

Are you someone who has tried just about every diet and can’t seem to find a healthy medium? Or are you someone who finds themselves in a continuous cycle of losing weight and then gaining it back? For many people, it can be very...

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Why does your diet keep failing? May 24, 2024

Unfortunately, weight cycling is common for many people who go on extreme or fad diets, and it also has a negative impact on cardiometabolic health [1]. They find themselves losing weight initially, but then in more cases than not, they gain the...

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5 simple things to support every body type, in the office today May 01, 2024

With close to half of the world’s population expected to be overweight or obese by 2030 (World Obesity Federation), demand for weight loss solutions is surging!

I thought it was an important topic to discuss further after we touched on the...

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Roasted Beans and Legumes Mar 15, 2024

We love roasted chickpeas and fava beans, so we thought we’d make our own!
We chose these Mingle flavours as there are no unrecognisable ingredients… just lots of delicious flavour combos! The best part…Making...

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Feeling Hangry? Hereโ€™s what you need to know Mar 15, 2024

Have you ever experienced a quick shift in your mood when you feel hungry? Perhaps you’ve found yourself losing patience quickly as your hunger grows and you snap at your co-workers, but then once you’ve had a few bites of your lunch...

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Stuffed, Baked Capsicum & Zucchini Mar 09, 2024

This easy lunch or dinner meal can be prepped quickly and baked ahead of time in the oven. They are well-balanced, high in fibre and help you hit your daily plant intake! Take some to work the next day for lunch, as they are just as delicious for...

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Chilli Tuna Poke Bowl Sep 25, 2023

Building your meals around plants is one of the best things you can do for your health. But, it has to be interesting and tasty, right?  This Chilli Tuna Poke Bowl is perfectly balanced to fill you up at lunchtime, leaving you satisfied with...

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Brain Boosting Foods: A guide to feeding your mind for optimal performance Feb 17, 2023

A balanced diet is important for our general health and wellness, and it’s no different when it comes to nourishing our brain. 

The foods that we choose to eat play a crucial role in boosting our brain's performance.

Some of our...

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How to Spot a Fad Diet Jan 01, 2023

Many of us are all too familiar with being sold empty promises about diets that are going to help us lose weight or magically fix all our health ailments. They may claim to have the “secret” to weight-loss, an “easy fix” to...

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How to fight your bad mood with food Oct 10, 2022

World Mental Health Day

Did you know that research now supports a direct link between better quality nutrition and a reduced risk of depression?

With Poor mental health now the leading chronic disease in Australia, impacting over 2 million...

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Staying healthy when you are busy Oct 08, 2022

Staying healthy when you are busy can be a challenge for all of us, but it doesn’t need to be. Using our fool proof plate model as a guide for meals will help ensure you get all the nutrients you need as well as manage your weight, whether...

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Habit stacking - Just the tool you need to make healthy habits stick! Oct 08, 2022

When it comes to trying to develop a healthy habit, it can be difficult to just do it!

That is why combining habits, also known as “habit stacking”, is a great way to create new habits and make them part of your daily routine.

We all...

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Hydration - Do We Really Need 8 Glasses of Water a Day? Oct 08, 2022

Why do we need water anyway?

Water is essential for life and good health. According to the National Health & Medical Research Council (Nutrient Reference Values for Australia & New Zealand 2005), we need more water than our body can...

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Is it necessary to take a probiotic? Oct 08, 2022

Probiotics are trending! But should you take a probiotic supplement or simply up your yoghurt game?

We wrote this article for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners to break down the research around probiotics and help GPs decide...

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The Truth About Dairy Oct 08, 2022

It’s a Hot Topic!

There is no denying that dairy is a hot topic! You either love it or hate it. Concerns range from gut-related symptoms to it being juice for baby cows to those simply avoiding it for fear of weight gain due to its naturally...

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Freezer Friendly Meals Oct 08, 2022

Whether you cook in bulk for the month ahead, or want to save leftovers for a later date, freezer-friendly meals can save time and prevent food waste. These options reheat well, without losing their taste and texture.

Homemade Sausage rolls (with...

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Mental Health in the Workplace Aug 24, 2022

A Three-Step Approach to Start Addressing It

When we discuss mental health, we tend to think of diagnosed clinical conditions like depression and anxiety, however such narrow definitions leave many Australians, who are suffering poor mood and...

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