Can your diet fight depression? Feb 13, 2024

Did you know that 1 in 8 people live with a mental health disorder [1]? Many employees suffer with a form of depressive disorder, which in no doubt can significantly impact their overall wellbeing and quality of life. While mental health disorders...

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Brain Boosting Foods: A guide to feeding your mind for optimal performance Feb 17, 2023

A balanced diet is important for our general health and wellness, and it’s no different when it comes to nourishing our brain. 

The foods that we choose to eat play a crucial role in boosting our brain's performance.

Some of our...

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How to fight your bad mood with food Oct 10, 2022

World Mental Health Day

Did you know that research now supports a direct link between better quality nutrition and a reduced risk of depression?

With Poor mental health now the leading chronic disease in Australia, impacting over 2 million...

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Staying healthy when you are busy Oct 08, 2022

Staying healthy when you are busy can be a challenge for all of us, but it doesn’t need to be. Using our fool proof plate model as a guide for meals will help ensure you get all the nutrients you need as well as manage your weight, whether...

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Mental Health in the Workplace Aug 24, 2022

A Three-Step Approach to Start Addressing It

When we discuss mental health, we tend to think of diagnosed clinical conditions like depression and anxiety, however such narrow definitions leave many Australians, who are suffering poor mood and...

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