Onsite Services

We employ an industry-leading team of accredited practising dietitians and accredited sports dietitians to take your workplace health program to the next level. Applying lessons learnt from working with athletes and teams, our dietitians focus on fuelling and hydration as fundamental principles for optimising the physical and mental health of your employees. Improved energy and clarity of thought leads to improved productivity and performance.

Let's Get Started

1:1 Dietitian

Since creating our service for Australia workplaces in 2013, our dietitians have helpedĀ thousands of people better manage issues such as over-work, stress, poor food choices, time limitations, exercise, poor habits, and poor digestion.

Our 1:1 sessions are available onsite at your workplace and booked by the day. Consultations are 30-minutes in length to enable time to explore issues and make impactful change. A pre-visit form and consent form are made available prior to the day to ensure we can make the most of the allocated time.


Our seminars provide specialised, comprehensive, and evidence-based training on a broad variety of nutrition and wellbeing areas - including food, immunity and mood, nutrition trends and myths, nutrition for shift work, eating on a budget and staying healthy when you are busy.

 They are run by our team of hand-picked and trained dietitians to maximise engagement. They include question time to ensure they are most useful to your teams. 

Workshops and Cooking demonstrations

Our workshops and cooking demonstrations are a fun way to engage teams with hands-on skill development and practical activities. We take lessons from working with high-performance athletes and apply them to the ‘every day’ athlete in the workplace environment, teaching skills they can also apply at home. We focus on ‘fuelling and hydrating’ effectively for optimal performance by highlighting the impact of food on our physical and mental health. We love a bit of friendly competition and ‘gamify’ our workshops to engage and empower teams.

To enquire about any of our onsite services please contact our team at: [email protected]

Let's Get Started

"Thank you so much for this afternoon’s session, it was fabulous! It was great to see the number of participants engaging, asking questions, and providing lots of positive comments. Thanks for helping our team to support their nutritional wellbeing."

Corporate Client, 2022